Sunday, April 15, 2012


All the bags arrived in Kathmandu and we found the hotel in a maze of streets. Every shop is a trekking shop, or a Buddhist trinket store or a painted mandala gallery seemingly an endless stream of icons, stray dogs, honking horns and hands imploring you to buy something. We are suddenly the sole economy of the district, Trekkers, climbers,seekers of Hindu and Buddhist gods, exotic gods offering the promise of enlightenment and spirit in endless reproductions. What is the dream that feeds our romantic trek to the Nepals of our imagination?
leaving amsterdam
mark studying map
the chris contemplating the streets of kathmandu
steri-pen the tea
the blue door
the blue billboards kathmandu airport
rickshaw meditation
kathmandu garden
this is electricity
kathmandu children
collection of icons

1 comment:

  1. I love the steripen! Why didn't we take one of those to Peru? Oh yes, I suppose it won't work on mystery meat. It was so good though...
