Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Interlaken Switzerland

 The Enchanted Forest
All the mountain stores were closed, except Patagonia, where the girl gave as a clue about where climbing might be found…Whisperwolr….then a few of us rented bikes and rode over there, where, in asking directions, it turned out the woman with two small children was a climber, whose dad had put up a bunch of the climbs there, and told us where the trail was.  It was an enchanted forest below limestone cliffs…on the way  down the truckers at the truckers conference all blew their horns at once…all of them, at first it was annoying, then it started to sound like a Philip Glass symphony, and finally sounded like the end of the world in a distant minor key. Best Sunday of the trip. 

On Tuesday, got up at 5:00 again to celebrate the summer solstice and took 11 of the students up early to Grindelwald  paint, stopping in a bakery twice, painting in the cold morning light. It was great to have everyone on the porch painting. We met the rest of the group at 9:00, and took the tram up the mountain, we were painting the Eiger, then we traveled up to the end the Nordwand, then a handful of us did the via ferrata on the north face.  It was a great hike. 

Final day in Interlaken, spent the entire morning at the enchanted forest crag, it was great, beyond great.  Then the train to Zurich and the Rietsburg Museum.  Evening farewells, and that was that. 

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