Tuesday, October 30, 2012

dia beacon collections and forest leaves

 the steve moore fifth grade port washington project the dia beacon, the trees and the floor, the will lamson glass house the kaleidescope in storm king the andy goldsworthy the richard serra, the trees, the climb, the leaves all left behind on the very damp rocks offered before the hurricane, broken glass and photographs of broken glass, a gazebo for two anarchists and more collections of obedient dinosaurs

Sunday, October 21, 2012

east 45 street


 East 45 street and Madison Avenue

paintings by Linda Stojak, in Chelsea


clouds over the midwest and Bernini's angel

Sunday, October 14, 2012

reliquary dinosaur reliquary

drive to school, over the top of the mountain

this is a collection, a meditation box, perhaps, bones, dice, toy dinosaurs, prayer flags, religious icons, rocks, animals, small bottles of colored soil collected from the desert

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

books about creativity

 on a cold snowy fall day, read a book...

 short, but interesting,
Almost never yell
If angry, step back.
Have no scruples about getting what you absolutely need, to be endlessly resourceful
Accept suggestions gracefully from any and all
Power of thank you
--> Before the writing, the painting, the dancing, there is getting up at 5:30 to go to the gym, getting ready for the job of creating… 

 new Mormon spokeswoman,
Reverent rituals, at the heart, rich and gentle, a variety of faith, a plan of salvation, also known as the plan of happiness, the crux of faith “one foot in front of the other”.  some difficult things we just put on the shelf, until we can take them up with God directly” 
--> Who watches over us when we go? Who remembers our names when we disappear from home?  Who hears the absence of our voices? Who misses the sound of our stories?  unimpressed by hierarchy and utterly averse to harshness and cruelty. A tender Mormonism, carried in the bone… 

 Steal like an artist, Austin Kleon,
get busy copying, pay attention to side projects, write the book you want to read, use your hands, fake it until you make it. simple
 Banned! for imagining quotations, Jonah Lehrer, still great fiction, how to be creative? be exceedingly sad, take speed, creativity is an emergent property, make connections, cultivate the views of the amateur outsider, once you have perfected your technique, don't worry about making a mistake.  Entertaining, engaging, apparently invented.

 Steven Johnson, Where good ideas come from, lots of spare parts lying around, recast into new uses, connections, cultivate the slow hunch, and those  hobbies, go for a walk, cultivate the adjacent possible, embrace serendipity, write everything down, but keep the folders messy. Good ideas, readable, provocative...

 Back to Twyla Tharp, The creative habit.  Lots of good stories, about dancers.
 drawing of mojo looking out the window in  winter

three drawings inspired by Ellsworth Kelly

 Best book over, Dr. Doolittle and the Secret Lake, by Hugh Lofting, survivors of the Flood, rescued by turtles.Turtles have to swim under the water to find food in the buried under water towns.  The turtles, from the flood, very old turtles, tell the story to Dr. Dolittle.

Great book about Learning, Teaching, Emergent Complexity...Engaging Minds, Davis, Sumara, and Luce Kaplan.  Read it all the time.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

San Rafael swell

Thich Nhat Hanh…you put yourself first, but you don’t love yourself enough..’The moment you see how important it is to love yourself, you will stop making others suffer’  Stop treating yourself like the enemy...

 climbing in the the san rafael swell the bottleneck tower