Sunday, October 12, 2014

Meditation Space

At the edge of nothingness and invisibility is the materiality of collecting.  These reminders of what cannot be seen include reliquaries containing the bones of saints, Buddhist shrines, and boxes designed to capture the fleeting experience of a day together.  On a mountain in Nepal, I gathered green granite crystals, along with scraps of prayer flags, rusted pitons, and old coins.  This collection is a shrine to an ineffable experience of living in the clouds, which forms part of the Meditation Space.  It includes, irony and humor, figures of batman, wild animals, and sacred rocks from my childhood. The Meditation Space is a bricolage about the power of chance, coincidence, silence, and life’s inner forces.

 Collaborative exhibition space in the BF Larsen Gallery, Brigham Young University , Movement and Meaning, the power of pilgrimage with Josh Graham, Kristen Sumbot, Allie Jenkins, Natalie Wood and Tara Carpenter.