Thursday, April 30, 2015

Amsterdam to Delhi

3 AM in the Delhi airport . Visas went through very smoothly our bags were all waiting for us, so we spent the rest of the morning chatting about books, writing, sketching, playing games  and reading. It was too early to venture out into Delhi, so we talked to other travelers and debated whether we should go directly to the train station or find the hotel. It was a delightful morning.

 Floor at airport and Shiva God of creation and destruction 

The Shiphol  airport Amsterdam: one passport lost in the baggage ticket lost in the luggage lockers

The climbing gym in Amsterdam 

Delhi transportation

This looks very exciting, searching for fabric in India, but the reality was a hotel located on what seemed like Delhi's version of canal street in lower Manhattan, only much noisier and polluted, burning hot, and sleepless for the past two days, every one we meet saying " let me give you some advice, those people are trying to swindle you, sit down and have a cup of tea and hear about what I can do for you." Cab cannot find the hotel we reserved, so it lets us off at what is most likely a friend or cousins place 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


BNew oil pastels from Beeks

Rijks Museum Amsterdam

A wonderful small painting of the story of the Garden of Eden.

The outdoor market

One of four DeKoonings in the contemporary art museum.

One of the Matisse cutouts.

The usual view of the Rembrandt's Night Watch.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Always, in the background of our journey are the ominous and sad CNN reports from Kathmandu.

the canals in Amsterdam, we happened to land on King's Day, a huge holiday. Lucky I had an orange shirt on.
Lost cat in Amsterdam
King's Day in Amstedam

traveling to Amsterdam: New Amsterdam


Walter Rane in the kitchen

Metropolitan Museum

Walters home and studio

                            Rubin Museum

Ancient Roman copy of the Greek original

Happier days in Kathmandu

Hhappier days walking in Kathmandu with Nima. We are hoping for an opportunity to help. Kathmandu even on a good day is always on the brink of falling apart in a tangle of electrical lines, bricks, and rubble. It is also a young city with thousands of children in schools, many of them in boarding schools, children from villages all over  Nepal. And much of the economy of the thousands of tiny stores and hundreds of guides depends on tourists and hikers, who will now be gone. Fortunately Nima is fine, his family home is intact. We talk every day.

New York City

StWaiting for the M1 bus to Harlem...we landed at 5:30...and found out there had been an enormous earthquake in Nepal...
Fortunately Nima was safe but travel to Nepal is postponed, we want to go there and volunteer to help

In the meantime we visited Walter Rane's studio and home on 141 street and Lenox, and spent the afternoon talking to airlines about our new Amsterdam

The wall of deities at Steve Moore's

The 81st synagogue

The Rubin museum of Himalayan art.

One of the infinite incarnations of the infinite Buddha

If the master teacher cannot make it, the footprints will just have to do.

Tashi out Tibetan guide suggested that the artists, accustomed to Hindu iconography would mix up Hindu and Hinduism...thus the artist shaped the theology...

Musicians at the 190th street stop

190th street on the A train

Blazing razor of fierce move obstacles or to protect...fierce love subduing enemies including the ego...

Painting at Walter's