Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ibex and zion

 first there are dutch moonscapes, then there is ibex, on the shore of a desolate lakebed in western Utah, a place to hunt for trilobites.

Ibex is a climbing destination in the west desert.

 the museum in Delta offered many varieties of trilobites, and a room where the rocks glowed in the dark.

 then there is Zion, traditionally thought of as a place of refuge, that is Zion is the city of peace where the pure in heart live. new goal: work in a gas station on the freeway for a month. Or perhaps a series of gas stations. Once I decided this, I started treating the people working at the rest stops a little did you get to work here?  Where are you from? Who chooses the music?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

hiking in the dawn

 walking in St. George, driving across central Utah, hiking in the dawn